wop wop bad luck and stuff
training with sonja on wednesday went awesome. had to ride without stirrups for like 50 min in trot and canter. so my legs were sore or still are. anyway i had fun!
yesterday we got to drive to pick up two new ponies for riding club. two cute mares. i fell in love with the grey polish pony. hope one day i get to try ride her.
uhm yea. the bad luck thing is that my phone decided to die on me so i had to buy a new one today.. bye bye money.
tomorrow im going out for a change. gona be fun!
dota 2 and training
tired today but also nervous and pumped for training with my pony sonja. plan is to have her in trailer around 15.00 so need to eat soon then off to stable.
will be interesting today couse i havent been riding in like 3 days couse of my eye and extreme headaches. that is still not better but i got treatment for it so i am a bit more hopeful.
also grats to alliance who won their first match in china this morning! sadly i was too tired to watch it.
yes i still cheer for them and dota 2 is still an awesome game. i hope they qualify for international this year. i believe!
using instagram more these days.
so lazy to write.
a promise for myself is to take my camera with me more wherever i go.
and today is a long day:
clean for pigs
plant seeds
ride my pony
and i should start noow.
long time
been a long time since wrote anything here. reason is that i been very busy and i am dealing my eyes and things that haven't been my friends. viruses that attacks them over and over again.
also riding my cute pony and i am happy i can ride so many days every week now. helps forgetting about my eyes.
with the riding me and sonja improves everytime it feels like. the canter is getting better and better and we both have more and more energy.
dont have much time to write now though but it was a short update.
on sunday this pony is mine.
some pics from last month or so
dont have many words. a lot of bad things around me so i just put up some pics instead. mainly horsie.
so bored and frustrated right now about my eyes. eye drops makes me se very bad.
i wish things were different now. please.
gonna try 'work' on monday again.
this sucks.
i wish
my eyes were nicer to me.
thats the reason i dont take many pictures. cause i cant se properly. it's kinda depressing. if i didnt have the horses as hobby i would probably go nuts.
sometimes i cant even read in skype window.
tomorrow ihave time to se a veterinarian for my pigs who lose fur. some skin specialist.
then i need to find a specialist for my stupid eyes sometime this week.
hope life is treating everyone else better.
boring and stupid summer
enough said.
horse day
today gonan be a long day. first we gonna go se horse jumping then i am gonna go ride masse and hopefully get a riding lesson by the owner!
will try and take some pics of the horses that jumps.
just sucks that my eyes cant se properly. auto isn't best. need to rely on luck kinda of getting any good pics.
some pics from last few weeks/months
me and
have started to ride him now. still learning to know eachother so nothing crazy so far. i like spending time with him though. he know more then i do so a lot of missunderstandings but that will get better in time.
tomorrow i have work then i am gonna have riding lesson. i hope i get to ride madame.
now i am just gonna watch some stuff and maybe build some in terraria before i sleep.
have a flu so,
my face looks so weird. oh well. this is me and Masse.
tomorrow i am gonna work for first time in a week or so. eye still not 100% better but i will try deal with it. sunglasses might help some.
on friday i will visit Masse again.
pictures speak for themself i think.
hey hey. been a while!
have a new pc but not much else happened around it.
got eye problems so i se bad so not fun to take pictures anymore wich anoys me a bit. it's eye infections and what not.
picture is of Masse. a horse i have started to help take care of. he have just been standing around in a field most of the time so he is bored and wanna do something else!
so yea. i hope my eye infection will get better soon and ihope me and Masse become friends.
other then that i been a lot in stables where i work. riding there goes better and better. i trust Madame now and it shows in how i ride her.
so life is mainly horses and eye problems right now.
and i wish Rich were here.
new pc
as title say, i will get a new computer any day now. woho. so i will have more space so i will try use my camera more.
today i just made some photoshop work for the stables, now i am just gonna chill before i need to go to stables and ride.
and my cute pigs on the pic.
been very addicted to dota lately too, so many fun tournaments going on and alot of alliance matches to watch and then its fun to play too, when it's going well that is...
<3 madame
hm, a while ago again since i did anything here..
but yea. today i been working and dad came to visit at my work and helped me take some photos of the horses. need the photos for a little nametagproject that i am doing. just hoping my boss aprove. she is picky when it comes to things like that.
and harry is starting to get back his hair again.
not much else to say write really. life is what it is right now..
working on a card for my brother and his wife. very late thank you card but been alot of other things around that made me to keep forgetting about it. my dad will write a small poem to go with it.
soon i am off to stables. gonna ride and i hope it goes better today then last time and i also bought a new halter for clapton since he kinda chewed on his old one..
take a break
just sent an email to my boss, saying i wanna take a break from weekend riding next month. i feel so alone when i ride on sundays couse everyone else rides on saturdays and i dont really spend much time with the other people anyway becouse they are much younger and by that i mean much younger.. wish i had someone near my age to ride with.. anyway yea. its late again and i am working tomorrow and having riding lesson after.
gonna watch some x - files til i fall asleep. good night.
two years now
forgot to say that i been riding for two years now, lessons that is. dont know if it is something to take notice of though. but still!
madame is in the pic.
now good night.