titiyo and moto boy - if only your bed could cry
some pics from last month or so

dont have many words. a lot of bad things around me so i just put up some pics instead. mainly horsie.

so bored and frustrated right now about my eyes. eye drops makes me se very bad.
i wish things were different now. please.
gonna try 'work' on monday again.
this sucks.
in flames - rusted nail
i wish

my eyes were nicer to me.
thats the reason i dont take many pictures. cause i cant se properly. it's kinda depressing. if i didnt have the horses as hobby i would probably go nuts.
sometimes i cant even read in skype window.
tomorrow ihave time to se a veterinarian for my pigs who lose fur. some skin specialist.
then i need to find a specialist for my stupid eyes sometime this week.
hope life is treating everyone else better.