random videos from my phone
rambo micklem multibridle

when i get my own horse i for sure will buy this or something like it.
less pain for the horse.
oh, talking about horses. gonna finish my food then go ride now.
valve store
if you ever feel like buying me something...

valve store have it all. hint hint!
and yes i should sleep, it is late. good night.
pet interview
so funny.
now time to sleep!
new lens
bought a new lens for my camera so hopefully i can get some inspiration and take lots more pics now.
bought this one http://www.cyberphoto.se/info.php?article=2875M
bought this one http://www.cyberphoto.se/info.php?article=2875M
me want

maybe someone is cute enough to think about those for my next birthday or something!
other then that i have riding today. wasn't there last thursday couse i was sick. and in weekend i am riding cute diddi. hope she is better with her leg. been missing the horses and want to try out my new vest.
my dog odin had surgery so wont be happening much here for a while i think. camera and photoshop is on pause.
back later maybe.
back later maybe.
eye infection
been having one for a few days so been hard to focus in fixing any pictures, not that i think anyone really cares.

ordered one of these. time for some experiments soon!

give me! (picture taken from google)