some mobile pics

made by rich


yesterday my hard drive crashed. the newest one with all my photos and music and stupid as i am i thought it wont happen yet, i still have time to get a backup hard drive. i was wrong, very wrong..
so now i dont have acces to any of my photos exept a few. only luck i had is that i didn't delete the ones on my camera yet. so i had all the wedding pictures left.
i will get the pictures back someday. they are still there but yea. will take some time couse it's very expensive.
i will still try and update some here. but as my big hard drive is gone for now i dont have too much space on my computer.
small test with the new lens

me and odin went to test the new lens. so far i am happy with it. no pic is edited.
some midsummer pics

didn't take too many. but was fun! sadly my team got last overall in the games we did.
happy halloween

rich and odin

look what i found. so cute!

old barn

i think.

water test

well i tried... dissapointed at the results. better luck next time..

elf done for now!

tea party with me?

overly edited. anoyed at myself for not charging battery for camera before go out to take pics. buhu.
a bit of sundsvall

at our national-day. not edited.

scary bug

i dont like bugs, they actaully scare me
but at the same time i have to take a photo of them
only took this picture to show it. nothing artistic or that im proud of. huhu.
part of the globe

no wideangle lens with me so only little part of globen got stuck on the picture.


this was the end result anyway. i wont eat them though!