more horses








after these pics my battery died yesterday.
top picture is madame
second pic is flicka
last pic is tyfon (yawn, haha)

today i changed horse on stables to take care of and ride on weekends. this is him, clapton. i used to be little scared of him couse i fell off him but now we are friends and its a horse i can learn alot from/with.
so yea, stables been my day today also tomorrow and im tiired now.
harry and sam

and their cage. took these today when i cleaned the cage.
sadly sigge past away. he didn't grow like sam did so something was wrong with him, i had to get a new guinea pig friend for sam. they had a small fight first day but now they are best friends.
sigge and sam


haven't taken many pictures lately. been doing other things but soon it is a wedding so will be lots of pictures from there!
today i will be at stables most of the day, also have ridinglesson and i hope i get to ride clapton again cause his canter is awesome, will also get to ride him in the woods on sunday. hope it goes well.
dota 2 on TV and grats alliance

was a nice try by TV6 but could have been better. anyway. a step in a good direction for e-sport.
picture is from saturday night. and millie sat outside begging me to give her some cheez doodles.
what you can do with floor and old socks

yes. my small oinks (guinea pigs) are spoiled. they are allowed to make a mess out of my floor.
with some cheap wooden floor and some socks i manage to do something they can climb up on or hide under.
guinea pigs

my two new family members. still need to name them!

changed a bit in the mice cage yesterday.
can also se my shadow!

went for a walk today with dad and max. we met spencer when we walked past stables. he is very cute and pretty big.
anyways. after we met him we walked past the field where the horses are getting fat cause i were gonna look at claptons leg if we saw him around, but he weren't so try tomorrow. need to clean his leg and stuff. poor horsie.
sundsvall summer horse show pictures

took too many but here is a few in no particular order and not edited. slacker again!


he loves his swimming-exercise.

nomnom. odin!
odin and the giant bone

animals from zoo

was looking through some pictures and found these.

she is cute! and sorry i update so little here. need to change that.

cute diddi that i ride on weekends. she was tired today though until something scared her, then it went fast!
more mice

aren't they cute?
adventure mice in the bathroom