wop wop bad luck and stuff
training with sonja on wednesday went awesome. had to ride without stirrups for like 50 min in trot and canter. so my legs were sore or still are. anyway i had fun!
yesterday we got to drive to pick up two new ponies for riding club. two cute mares. i fell in love with the grey polish pony. hope one day i get to try ride her.
uhm yea. the bad luck thing is that my phone decided to die on me so i had to buy a new one today.. bye bye money.
tomorrow im going out for a change. gona be fun!

dota 2 and training
tired today but also nervous and pumped for training with my pony sonja. plan is to have her in trailer around 15.00 so need to eat soon then off to stable.
will be interesting today couse i havent been riding in like 3 days couse of my eye and extreme headaches. that is still not better but i got treatment for it so i am a bit more hopeful.

also grats to alliance who won their first match in china this morning! sadly i was too tired to watch it.
yes i still cheer for them and dota 2 is still an awesome game. i hope they qualify for international this year. i believe!
very tired and pissed of these days at my stupid eyes. i say it a lot to vent becouse yes its damn frustrating.
imagine walking around everyday with swollen and red eye, how many days can you go around and be happy and smiling and not think of it? wop. zero.
had good visit from past owners to my pony today. nice to se them again and nice to hear from them that we are doing job. thats a positive thing.
started riding for trainer now too. a lot to work on. but yes it helps. for one hour i have one focus only and that is riding my best and have fun learning. okay that is two things.
i might wanna start write here more. havent decided. but its nice to vent and post some pics.
plans for this week is find an eye doctor on monday, tuesday work some unless eye is as bad as it is now and wednesday i ride for my trainer again. after that i dont know. ride i assume.


using instagram more these days.
so lazy to write.
a promise for myself is to take my camera with me more wherever i go.
and today is a long day:
clean for pigs
plant seeds
ride my pony
and i should start noow.