been a while
since i wrote anything or posted pictures. had a awesome christmas and new year couse my rich been here, not gonna go into many details but we had two good weeks, atleast i had, hope he had too.
now its the usual things, like stables. most time will be spent there and also spending alot time with my pigs, specially harry since he is sick so he need medication. he is losing hair poor guy. he is not looking like a brush anymore. really hope the medication and my cleaning of everything helped. trashed all old stuff, like their houses and got new things for them. will know in 1 week or so if treatment works.
the riding lessons have started again yesterday and i feel i am gonna get better at it this year. me and madame is starting to click a bit better, or more i am starting to get it. she is so sensitive to everything, if i just get tiny bit tense she walks really fast or wanna trot so yesterday i got it and she was relaxed, so i feel alot of progress already, really like riding her couse i can learn so much with and from her.
today i am just drained after work, town and cleaning the pigs part of the room. so time to take a chill pill.
picture of rich and me